Money flow plays an important role in maintaining financial stability and growth. However, delays in payments or block payments can create financial distress and hamper the overall financial planning. Many people struggle to recover the money from the individuals, customers, and businesses that owe them. If you are facing such a situation, do not worry; MahaVastu Remedies can help recover payment faster and ensure smoother cash flow.
Signs of Financial Blockages and Delayed Payments
Several reasons could lead to delayed or blocked payments.
- Facing Frequent delays in Cheque Clearance and processing payments.
- Clients refusing to Pay their past payments due to change of mind or dissatisfaction with service/ product.
- Many people do not prioritize timely payments due to financial indiscipline or procrastination.
- Financial transactions without any proper agreements can also lead to payment defaults.
MahaVastu Perspective and Observation
VastuShastri Khushdeep Bansal’s research has suggested some important MahaVastu remedies for enhancing financial stability and ensuring faster payment recovery. By implementing these remedies, individuals and businesses can improve their financial flow and remove obstacles to money recovery.
- If you have any toilet in the South-East(SE) zone, then first treat it with Copper Strip or Red Tape.
- Install a Red LED in the South-East(SE) zone and Keep it on 24x7.
- Place a Pair of Red Horses in the South Zone Facing North it will help in providing a steady flow of money. Besides that, it optimizes the efforts you put into your work by converting them into cash and recognition.
- Place a Nandi on a safe or cupboard in the South-West(SW) Zone facing North-East to safeguard your business from losses and financial stability.
- Hang a Sword on the East of the North-East(ENE) zone wall to remove financial obstacles and clear payment blockages.
- Keeping a Pyramid in the North zone enhances the energy responsible for money and ensures that blocked payments are recovered.
Timeline for Expected Results
Within the 4-6 weeks of implementation of these remedies, some of the evident changes you may observe:
- Faster recovery of delayed or blocked payments.
- Enhanced financial stability and smoother cash flow.
- Faster clearance of cheques and their processing.
- It will reduce the financial crisis and stress and help in making better financial decisions and planning.
By aligning your space with these MahaVastu remedies, you can ensure a smoother money flow and financial prosperity.